Micromobility Vehicles
Following extensive development and testing, our prediction engine has been adapted for riders of eBikes and eScooters to enhance rider trust and experience.
Precision range predictions for Micromobility
The use of electric micromobility vehicles is revolutionising our streets. From food delivery to daily commutes, eBikes and eScooters are in high demand.
Enhancing EV rider experience
Our predictions are based on the rider, eBike/eScooter and ride mode and deployed on the IVI display or through mobile phone application. This provides an enhanced experience for the rider whether being used for personal or for commercial applications. We are currently working with large manufacturers and Tier 1 Suppliers to integrate our solution on a variety of Micromobility vehicles at scale.

The full range

Assure SDK
Personalised journey energy predictions based on driver behaviour, live vehicle data and machine learning.

Flow SDK
Core prediction engine enabling live map visualisation of range boundaries, tailored to individual users and vehicle modes.

Fleet SDK
Scalable multi-drop EV planner with dispatch API, optimising the efficiency of eMobility fleets.
What others have said
“Spark’s innovation helps meet the key goal of reducing transport emissions, by accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles through its innovative software”
Director | Wayra
Set the wheels in motion
Spark a conversation now to learn more about how our technology can enhance your eMobility solution.
Our Technology
Assure SDK
Flow SDK
Fleet SDK
Working with us
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Consultancy Services
Our Applications
Passenger Vehicles
Commercial Vehicles
Micromobility Vehicles
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