Range Prediction Built for Accuracy

We work with Automotive OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers and technology integrators to provide personalised range management software for electric and hybrid vehicles of all sizes.

Years of research with industry leaders, senior researchers and machine learning academics has led to an intelligent range prediction system that has outperformed every existing in-vehicle system during testing.

Our range prediction AI pairs machine learning algorithms with vehicle data, user behaviour and route information to produce journey predictions bespoke to individual driver profiles.


For every journey, forever

e-mobility is here, and here to stay. Reliably predicting range of electric and hybrid vehicles now means a cleaner, more productive future for transport.

More than an estimation
Our Software Development Kits (SDKs) provide your user interface with data to display to a driver or rider.  This can be provided as range display numbers, route prediction, points on a map, or a map overlay.
Patented machine learning algorithm

Our intelligent range prediction system provides best-in-class accuracy, enhancing trust in EVs and alleviating range and chargepoint anxiety.

Universal installation capabilities
Our flexible SDKs integrate into any instrument cluster or IVI display, deployed through the cloud, in-vehicle or via mobile, through Android Auto and Apple CarPlay.
Optimised vehicle efficiency

Our technology can maximise the utilisation of any vehicle’s battery capacity, reducing battery ageing and enabling a more cost-efficient system design.

For every vehicle, forever

We collaborate with OEMs and Tier 1s across all of e-mobility – electric and hybrid, human-driven and autonomous, passenger and commercial – to create reliable, personalised journey predictions.

Start your journey
Using our SDKs

Our SDKs adapt to your vehicle’s environment to enhance your customers’ e-mobility experience.

Using our consultancy services

We will work with you to innovate toward the bright future of e-mobility.

Who we work with

What others have said

“Spark’s innovative technology and vision aligns closely with our own aims for electric vehicles, and by running real-world trials we have evaluated the potential of its solution and the benefits it brings.”

Head of Powertrain Department | Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center

Set the wheels in motion

Spark a conversation now to learn more about how our technology can enhance your e-mobility solution.


Our Technology

Assure SDK

Flow SDK

Fleet SDK

Working with us

Our Customers

Consultancy Services


Our Applications

Passenger Vehicles

Commercial Vehicles

Micromobility Vehicles


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